You are invited to explore the Aurum Solis which holds the tradition of an ancient spiritual system. The eight aspects of this tradition will be presented by the Grand Master of the Aurum Solis, Jean-Louis de Biasi (, published author, philosopher, and spiritual teacher. In this workshop, he will present both the history of the order as well as lead the class in practical techniques that are a part of the eight rays of this tradition.
The Aurum Solis, “Gold of the Sun”, is a contacted school of the Western Mysteries that was first revealed to the public in 1897 and has been in continual operation since.
The Western Mystery Tradition is often called the “Yoga of the West” and since the Aurum Solis traces its heritage to pre-Christian traditions, which include ancient Greece and Egypt, we lovingly refer to it as “Mediterranean Yoga”. It is the theurgical path of initiation and the alchemy of the soul.
Once you have completed this workshop, and if you decide to attend the next eight-week online training, you will be eligible to participate to a ceremony called initiation. This is the 1st degree (on 3) allowing you to go further in the learning and practice of one or several of these modules. These eight aspects of the Tradition and Work of Aurum Solis that will be covered during the workshop are:
Breathwork and Sacred Sounds
Energetic healing and Diet
This lecture and workshop are open to all levels. You don't need to be a yoga practitioner, a Qabalist, or even a believer.
Curiosity and the desire to expand your knowledge is what is needed!
Location: Unity of Dallas, 6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX, 75230
Workshop Information:
Friday, August 5th from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm in Myrtle Hall
Saturday, August 6th from 8:30AM to 4:00PM with an hour break for lunch in Filmore
Sunday, August 7th from 8:30AM to 3:00PM with an hour break for lunch in Filmore
Fee -$200 (Lunch not included)
You are invited attend the introductory lecture and guided meditation on Friday for $20 and if you choose to attend the remainder of the workshop, that fee will be applied to the cost of the workshop which is $200.
Registration & Refund
Number of attendees is limited. It is best to register now.
50% Refund is possible until 10 days before the event. No refund can be issued between 10 days and the date of the event.
What to wear and bring
Casual clothing and for Sunday Sportswear or activewear (along with Yoga mat) are recommended.
It is a good idea to bring a notebook.
The Eight Rays
I. Movement and workout: Soma (the body) is the foundation of our life. You will learn about the place and role of the body in the sacred path, examples of planetary movements, Tarot movements, physical exercises, purification, relaxation techniques, etc.
II. Mindfulness: Your mind should be clear and focus to start any practice. You will learn about concentration, awareness of the present, visualization, guided meditation, etc.
III. Breathwork & Sacred Sounds: There are specific techniques of breathing that must be learnt and mastered. Pronunciations of sacred sounds and words are also essential. You will learn about overtones, sacred musical instruments, and more.
IV. Energetic healing and Diet: In 2020, the Aurum Solis also integrated the heritage and lineage of the famous 19th century French school called “Eudiaque Order”. This organization’s tradition is focused on natural healing techniques that were once called magnetism.
V. Astrology: The way our tradition is teaching and using astrology is specific and you will be introduced to our way of practice.
VI. Devotion: Gods and Goddesses are an essential part of the tradition. You will learn about them and the best way to create a respectful relationship.
VII. Theurgy: The whole system of our tradition of the Aurum Solis is sometimes known as the theurgic path. This ray focus on the ritualistic dimension.
VIII. Philosophy: Our pre-Christian tradition is rooted in the greatest philosophies of the world. You will learn about them and the practical exercises you can use to enlighten your life while avoiding delusion.